Ep 8: The Acne Series - Part 1: Top 5 reasons you aren't getting long-lasting results with your acne treatments

Acne is one of the most chronic and common skin conditions that affect so many individuals. A survey completed in 2021, revealed that individuals in Australia can spend approximately $3000 in 6 months just trying to self-treat their acne, with little to no long term change.

Working 1:1 with hundreds of women who have gone through the roller coaster of self prescribing supplements, back and forth on prescriptive medications and trying all of the latest skincare - Jacinta knows the hurdles you have to jump actually to get long lasting results in your skin.

If you feel like you're sick of going back and forth between treatments, prescriptions, supplements and want to actually figure out the missing link with why you can't get long lasting results with your acne - then Jacinta is going to provide you with all of the juicy details you need.

In this podcast, Jacinta covers:

  • Top 5 reasons why you aren't seeing long lasting results in your acne

  • Why over the counter supplements aren't doing the trick

  • How to actually find the answer as to what is going on

  • What the missing link is to achieve long last results

  • The checklist you need to run through to see where you need to direct your energy and money



Ep 9: The Acne Series - Part 2: What you need to test to find the cause of your acne


Ep 7: SIBO, Methylation & Histamine Intolerance: The gut-skin connection