Ep 7: SIBO, Methylation & Histamine Intolerance: The gut-skin connection

In this week’s episode, we are joined by Joanne Kennedy - the SIBO, MTHFR & Histamine Intolerance expert. Joanne gives us a complete download of her brain to help us understand methylation and why this is an important aspect to consider in clients presenting with histamine intolerance.

Within the skin, histamine intolerance is presented in the form of rosacea, perioral dermatitis, hives, eczema and acne. Now there's a lot of hype around methylation and we can be quick to blame our gene expression such as MTHFR gene mutations as the cause of impaired methylation, but throughout this podcast, we quickly turn the spotlight away from one genetic SNP and highlight the burden environmental exposures and gastrointestinal infections can have on methylation.

Specifically, we delve into the impacts of SIBO on methylation and how this can impact histamine intolerance.


Joanne Kennedy

In this episode, Jacinta & Joanne delve into:

  • What is methylation

  • How much does MTHFR really impact methylation

  • How to identify red flags in a clients presentation for further investigation

  • What markers to investigate to understand methylation status

  • Causes of high & low homocysteine

  • Understanding SIBO and its impact on methylation

  • Methylation connection with histamine intolerance

  • The methylation, histamine, SIBO, skin and hormone connection

  • Treatment strategies for supporting methylation

  • Common errors made in supplementation for methylation



Ep 8: The Acne Series - Part 1: Top 5 reasons you aren't getting long-lasting results with your acne treatments


Ep 6: The fundamentals of Endometriosis - drivers, diagnosis, testing & treatment