Ep 4: Post-Pill Acne: How, why & what to do

The pill essentially suppresses natural hormone production from the ovaries and does an excellent job at reducing the symptoms of hormone acne WHILST you’re on the pill. But what about when it’s time for you to come off the pill? Or when you want to actually get to the root cause? 

In this episode, Jacinta flies solo and talks you through the causes of post-pill acne and the 5 key areas you need to optimise to reduce your likelihood of post-pill acne returning once you come off. All of the tips and tricks to help you transition off the pill so you can control that post-pill androgen surge!


Jacinta Barbagallo

In this episode, Jacinta shares:

What is post pill acne and why does it happen? Key areas to address before coming off the pill. Correcting blood sugar for testosterone regulation. How to optimise detoxification pathways for liver and gut function and more!



Ep 5: Body image, binge eating and psychology of food


Ep 3: Fertility, miscarriage & optimising egg quality with Rhiannon Hardingham