Ep 2: What’s causing your Acne & what you need to do about it with Lia Trebilcock

If you’ve ever experienced a breakout or suffering from acne and you keep asking yourself, what is actually happening within my skin to be causing this mad bacterial overgrowth? You’ll want to tune into this one. There are 3 physiological causes of acne that create the perfect environment for bacterial overgrowth to occur and a breakout to begin. 

In this episode, Jacinta speaks with one of the leading skin therapists and educators in Australia, Lia Trebilcock all about the causes of acne, the impacts of dehydration, skin care red flags you need to be aware of, the impact of essential fatty acids and the importance of a healthy skin barrier function.


Lia Trebilcock


  • Working with a knowledgeable skin care professional

  • Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acid’s (EFA’s) 3000mg EPA and DHA

  • Non-comedogenic skincare and makeup

  • Niacinamide

Learn more about Lia via or follow their journey over on Instagram @skin_education_international, and website www.skineducationinternational.com


Ep 3: Fertility, miscarriage & optimising egg quality with Rhiannon Hardingham


Ep 1: Navigating the Rosacea journey through conventional medicine to holistic treatments - Jessica's story