Phoebe Ackland


Phoebe is a Bachelor’s degree-qualified Naturopath based in Sydney’s eastern suburbs and a member of the National Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA).

Phoebe is passionate about herbal, nutritional and lifestyle medicine, and deeply enjoys supporting women on their journey to vibrant and abundant wellness

 Having been thrown on the oral contraceptive pill in her teen years to mask acne breakouts and irregular periods, Phoebe knows first-hand what it feels like to have your self-esteem crushed by acne, and disempowered by a lack of understanding about her cycles and how they could have been naturally improved.

Work with Phoebe if you experience any of these conditions:

Work with Phoebe Ackland Orenda Women's Health Naturopath
  • Acne

  • Peri-oral dermatitis

  • Rosacea


  • PCOS

  • Irregular, heavy and painful Periods
    (anything to do with periods!)

  • Perimenopause

  • Adrenal support (anxiety, fatigue, mood, sleep)

Using herbs, nutritional supplementation, dietary interventions and lifestyle practices, Phoebe would love to support you in feeling better than you have, in as long as you can remember.

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