Jacinta Barbagallo

Nutritionist, Skin Educator & Founder of Orenda Women’s Health

Jacinta is the Founder & Nutritionist of Orenda Women’s Health. Working with hundreds of individuals 1:1 in consultations and educating skin therapists world wide, Jacinta has worked extensively with some of the most complex skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, psoriasis, peri-oral dermatitis, eczema, staph infections, melasma and more.

Jacinta is the lead educator of the Orenda Women’s Health Team and currently works 1:1 with clients alongside mentoring practitioners & skin therapists in understanding the complexities of internal health on the body’s largest organ - the skin!

With extensive training in functional pathology and general pathology, the basis of Jacinta’s clinical practice is helping her clients find the ANSWERS as to what is causing their skin condition and takes out the guess work for them.



Book with me if you:

  • Are ready to identify the cause of your health condition with vigorous testing and interpretation

  • Need an experienced practitioner who understands and specialises in complex skin conditions and can integrate treatment alongside your corneotherapist

  • Have tried and tested multiple treatments with rosacea, peri-oral dermatitis, eczema, hives and psoriasis with little to no long-term change

  • Suffer from frequent bouts of skin infections such as Staphylococcus Aureus or Fungal Overgrowth and need long-term interventions to address infection and reduce antibiotic resistance

  • Are seeking support to understand your hormonal status and require a customised treatment protocol for fertility, PCOS or amenorrhea

Address the root cause of your condition, with no stone left unturned

I can help you with:

  • Having both personal & clinical experience with Rosacea & Peri-oral dermatitis, I understand the importance of addressing the many facets of gut, immunity, skin barrier function, neurological function, nervous system function and so much more that can drive this persistent condition.

  • Skin Infections can be pretty stubborn and often act as a chameleon in the form of a boil, nasal sores or even mimic acne. Conventional treatment often doesn’t provide long-term relief and may result in constant re-infection.As your practitioner, we’ll fill the missing pieces of the puzzle and work through improving your skin barrier function, optimising your immune and lymphatic system and reduce antimicrobial resistance so you can respond to treatment and get on top of your infections, once and for all.

  • Having both personal experience & clinical experience helping many, I understand the impact on quality of life Psoriasis can have and the little conventional treatments available for long-term change. My role as your practitioner, is to identify the causes of immune-dysfunction driving the auto-immunity, whilst implementing a specific treatment protocol to provide the skin the ingredients it needs to repair.

  • Knowledge is power when it comes to actively being involved in your hormone health and having your hormones accurately tested and assessed is the key to unlocking the next steps you need to take. Your menstrual cycle is basically your report card for the month. The solution to regain control of your hormones is in understanding the connection between the signs/symptoms your cycle is showing us and your blood work. This can include working with PCOS, amenorrhea, endometriosis and fertility

 How does it work?

Initial Consultation

  • Discussion of your complete health history

  • Map out the entire timeline of your condition

  • Assessment of all your systems including gut, hormones, nervous system, immune function, lymphatics and more.

  • Education on the potential drivers and areas of imbalance driving your condition

  • Discussion of further referrals if required

  • Outline of testing to complete

  • Outline of dietary changes & supplement protocols

Follow-up Appointments

  • Assessment of diet and treatment efficacy

  • Interpretation of blood pathology, stool test results etc.

  • Adjustment of treatment protocols based on pathology & progression of results

  • On-going education

  • Continued support for any changes which may arise

Jacinta barbagallo womens health naturopath

Get to know me

As a women’s health Nutritionist and founder of Orenda Women’s Health, my goal is to create a space where you feel safe and heard. With extensive training in pathology assessment in relation to hormonal imbalances, fertility, skin conditions & gastrointestinal dysfunction, I help women suffering from a range of chronic conditions find the answers and provide the solutions once and for all.

In clinical practice, I have a knack for delving right into educating my clients on the connection between signs of dysfunction in each system and how to support the body through a hierarchy of repair. Some health conditions are complex, I understand. So to truly get on top of your health condition, it requires time, patience and the right team on board that care about your goals.

My particular areas of interest include Peri-oral dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, recurrent skin infections and hormone health.


  • As a Nutritionist, Jacinta is able to allow her clients to claim health funds for those whom have Nutrition as an extra. Please ensure to email our Clinical Manager, Rachel at info@orendawomenshealth.com.au to find out if you’re eligible.

  • Absolutely! We’ve been collaborating with skin therapists for years to achieve the best results in our clients. We will also absolutely communicate with your IVF/Fertility specialist if you are undergoing fertility care.

  • All our consultations are virtual through Zoom and you’ll receive your consultation link upon booking. We use online dispensary’s to prescribe your supplements or we create them for you ourselves and post them out. All of which will be discussed in your consultation!