What triggers hormonal acne?

what triggers hormonal acne

Hormonal acne on the chin, jaw, back, or neck can be triggered by hormonal changes and fluctuations, such as transitions into puberty or hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle.  


Hormonal acne can occur with your period and may present as acne that worsens every month in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, which is the two weeks leading up to your period. 

The hormones estrogen and progesterone work together over the month for a healthy period, however, when estrogen is too high and/or progesterone is too low in comparison, you may begin to see symptoms such as PMS and acne with your period or before your period. 

 Elevations in LH compared to FSH can also trigger hormonal acne. You can learn more about this here


Hormonal acne on the chin and jaw may start due to previous hormonal imbalances that were masked by or altered by the pill, as well as rebound levels of sebum production. The pill suppresses sebum production, so when you stop taking it, the skin kicks back into gear in full force and overproduces sebum, leading to acne. 

 Additionally, as the ovaries begin to function again, testosterone levels may also temporarily be overproduced, resulting in more sebum to trigger hormonal acne production. 

High androgens and testosterone levels:

Hormonal acne can also be caused by excess levels of androgens such as testosterone that influence the structures within the skin and result in increased sebum and acne formation. Testosterone levels may be too high due to factors such as high sugar and carbohydrate intake, high levels of prolonged stress and low SHBG levels

Drivers of Hormonal acne

Hormonal acne is acne that typically appears in areas such as the jaw-line and chin, but can also appear on the neck, chest and back.

How do I get rid of hormonal acne?

There are a number of ways to get rid of hormonal acne on the chin, jaw, chest and back. The initial triggers for hormonal acne can be varied, so it is important to figure out which of your hormones are involved so that you can find the most effective and targeted treatment to get rid of your hormonal acne. 

 Some general guidelines for natural treatment include:

  • Find out what hormones are out of balance via symptom diaries and testing with your practitioner

  • Support your hormone production via a balanced diet with appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

  • Support healthy hormone detoxification by eating adequate fiber, drinking at least 2L of water and supporting your liver

  • Support your liver by reducing alcohol, caffeine, excess sugars and junk foods 

  • Reduce your stress levels

  • Utilise specific nutrient and herbal interventions such as zinc, magnesium and B6 that are required for hormone production and skin health


Controlling Acne through the diet


What tests should be done for Acne?