Top 5 ways to reduce PMS symptoms naturally

Top 5 ways to reduce PMS symptoms naturally

I’m sure all of us that menstruate have at some point felt the lulls of hormonal change that kicks in about a week or so before we begin to bleed. The PMS mood swings, the PMS breast tenderness, the PMS cravings, the PMS anxiety, the headaches, fatigue - all of it.

The cause of PMS will really differ from person to person and can be due to a number of factors including food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, stress response, high oestrogen, low progesterone, progesterone sensitivity, high prolactin and so many more causes. 

The truth is, what’s going to work to reduce PMS symptoms for you, might not work for the person next to you. It all comes down to finding out as much information as you can about your hormonal and nutritional status, reading the signs of your body and implementing different treatment strategies to see how your body responds. 

How do I know the cause of PMS?

The cause of PMS can be such a complex cascade to understand, so all you need to really focus on is improving your overall health as much as you can in terms of your hormonal status, nutritional status and stress response. Now, remember, there isn’t just ONE cause of PMS, and to reduce PMS symptoms naturally you’re going to need to cover all bases.

Screen your hormones, stress response, blood sugar and nutritional status. Collect all of the information and proceed to step 2. 

  • 5-7 days post ovulation oestradiol & progesterone

  • Cortisol

  • Fasting glucose & insulin

  • Prolactin 

  • Urine Iodine

  • Iron Studies

  • Vitamin B12

  • Folate

What can I do to reduce PMS symptoms?

What can I do to reduce PMS symptoms?

Now that you know the causes of PMS, there are a few baseline interventions you can use day to day to reduce your PMS symptoms naturally. It’s going to require a combination of lifestyle changes, dietary adherence, movement and supplementation so you have the best chance to reduce your PMS symptoms naturally

  • Supplement Magnesium, B6 & Zinc to reduce PMS naturally:

    This wonderful trio of nutrients work synergistically together to help with improving the production of GABA, serotonin and dopamine; three key neurotransmitters that when imbalanced can cause PMS anxiety. These nutrients are also so important for supporting ovulation and progesterone production; low progesterone can often cause PMS anxiety because it plays an important role in GABA regulation. Even just a magnesium deficiency on its own has been shown to cause PMS, read more here.

  • Supplement Vitex to reduce PMS naturally:

    Vitex is one of the most clinically researched herbs to help reduce PMS symptoms naturally, because of its effect on decreasing prolactin. High prolactin is often associated with PCOS, breast pain, vaginal dryness, loss of libido and PMS anxiety and breast tenderness.  BUT, before you go and grab any vitex off the shelf and start supplementing, make sure you test your hormones. Not everyone is suited for vitex when there is an LH:FSH dominance.

  • Honour the time in your cycle, to reduce PMS naturally:

    Your hormones are constantly changing from day to day, which means so should your energy requirements and the tasks you are committing to at different times of your cycle. Don’t be afraid to EAT more, your body needs the fuel. Don’t be afraid to say NO to plans, you need some time on your own.

  • Make sure to exercise, to reduce PMS symptoms:

    Movement is medicine. Research has shown that moving your body 3 x times a week for 60 x minutes with levels of activity that get your heart pumping can significantly reduce PMS symptoms naturally. However, make sure to tune in with your body. If you have painful periods, opt for yoga or pilates. If your PMS anxiety is worse after exercise, then choose a form of movement that makes your soul happy, like dancing. Tune in with what type of exercise you prefer at different points of the menstrual cycle and stay consistent.

  • Remove dietary triggers to reduce PMS naturally:

    You don’t need me to tell you that caffeine, alcohol and sugar are literally the devil when you’re feeling super anxious. Your period right now can be viewed as your report card of how well you’ve been doing in the last 3 months; focus on creating long term, sustainable changes in your daily habits to reduce your PMS symptoms. 


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